Kate Kotlarska
BSc (Hons) Lic.Ac., Dip Paed Ac, MAAC, HPD, DipCHyp, MPNLP Practitioner
Victoria Denton
BSc (Hons), Lic Acu, AAC
Judy Shipway
BSc (Hons), LicAc, Dip TCM (Obs/Gyn), DipPaed
Jennifer Riches
BA(Hons) Lic.Ac Paed.Dip MBAcC
The Hub of Paediatric Acupuncture (HOPA)
BSc (Hons) Lic.Ac., Dip Paed Ac, MAAC, HPD, DipCHyp, MPNLP Practitioner
BSc (Hons), Lic Acu, AAC
BSc (Hons), LicAc, Dip TCM (Obs/Gyn), DipPaed
BA(Hons) Lic.Ac Paed.Dip MBAcC