Ivonne Pannier
My name is Ivonne. I first studied informatics and then Chinese Medicine entered my life which changed so much. I am passionate about TCM and after the great course with Rebecca Avern of how to treat children. I am happy to have a tool at my hands where we can be such a great help for children - an area of medicine and treatment opportunities where we often lack alternatives. So I am happy to be able to offer this great and wide tool box. :-) I use needles as well as tuning forks and other techniques like tuina or moxa.
Contact information
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Str. 10 34131, Rodenkirchen, Germany
More about this practitioner
Age groups treated
Babies, Toddlers, School-age children, Adolescents
Languages spoken
German, English, Spanish
Professional body
Digestive disorders, Headaches, Sleep problems, Bedwetting, Allergies, Asthma
Certified training
Diploma of Acupuncture AGTCM, TCM Academy Acupuncture Paediatrics Course, Diploma of Sound Therapy