Natalie Zimmermann

Natalie Zimmermann

Zürich German, English, Italian, French


BSc (Hons) TCM, MSc CHM


During my long-term employment as a registered nurse HF at the children's hospital Zurich I have learned a lot about illness and health as well as gained experience in the collaboration with children and parents. With my education as a therapist in the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) I could widen my medical perspective. The methods of TCM allow us to tackle the source of illness and imbalance in the body and break the cycle of recurring disorders. My knowledge in western medicine helps me in my activity as a TCM therapist. I appreciate the interdisciplinary collaboration with physicians and therapists from different fields of expertise and I am eager for professional exchange.


TCM - Fachverband Schweiz, EMR

Contact Information


TCM Frau und Kind, Seestrasse, Erlenbach, Zürich, Switzerland, 8001

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